Sunday, October 3, 2010

PLN Report #1

When I started this class I was reading the list of projects and didn't even know what PLN stood for! Now that we have been in this class for awhile, I must say everything that we do leads up to a PLN. I have gotten lucky and really enjoyed all the teacher blogs I have been assigned to so I have added them to my symbaloo account. I have also added my google mail, docs reader. I did some searching on symbaloo and came across a webmix that was made for Education. It has all the tools needed for someone teaching in education! It's awesome! I am enjoying trying to find new things and different websites, people and ideas to follow! If I had not taken this class I would have never known this website existed. It's an easy way to get to something very quickly! Let's my pray I progress as the year goes on!

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