Scott Mcleod. I googled him to see what came up- Associate Professor. CASTLE Director. Blogger. Idea generator. Solution builder. Agitator. Catalyst. If you would like to see more about him you can go to He also has a blog that had an interesting post on it. "Don't teach your kids this stuff. Please?" He approaches the technology use of the 21st century very sarcastically! It's great. From what I gather the point he is trying to make is if you are not willing to step into this technological era and learn/teach it, you are going to be decades behind in the future. There is no reason not to use technology. We've discussed pro's and con's of technology in the classroom. Should the teacher allow the student's to teach? Is the teacher illiterate in technology? Should teacher's be up to date on all things technology? There are so many questions and the place you can find all the answers/arguments you want...the computer. So if you think in 20 years technology is still not a part of the classroom, you better think again. Because if not, you are in for a rude awakening.
iSchool Initiative
Wow! Only 17 years old and this student has thought of something that most adults only dream of thinking of. Could you imagine what it would be like? What a world of no books, calculators, paper, printing and etc. could be like? Here's the one problem I have..what about face to face contact with teachers/students? Isn't that what educators do? Teach? How do you have the intimacy and the one on one contact with students? I feel teaching has a lot to do with incorporating technology but also with the ability to provide critical thinking and problem solving. The whole day doesn't have to include technology. I agree it is a huge part of it. And soon, it seems, will be all of it. I know for me, I always have my favorite teachers, the one's who taught me life lessons. How can we teach life lesson's if there is no face to face interaction? How can we be able to enjoy the joy of seeing the children each day and teaching them personally? I love the idea of going green and not having papers and books and what not. I hate the idea of not being in a classroom and looking at my students face to face. Hopefully one day, in the near future, there will be a balance of technology use in the classroom and teacher use in the classroom.
What is so funny about this next post is that I have seen it before. About 20 times! I ran across it one day and began sharing with all the friends and family I know on facebook! They truly enjoyed it, as did I. This post is like a role-reveral. It explains what the past generations have DONE to this world and what the future generations WILL DO in this world! This is one of the most positive outlooks someone has for our generation. People are constantly telling us if we continue how we are this world be destructed. This is not a quick fix generation. We are ready and willing to put time and effort into anything that has importance. It is evident that people assume in 30 years technology will take over. Which it very may will. But in the meantime respect this generation. We grew up differently than you (the adults). We grew up in a generation that you made a quick fix society. You made us believe money will buy happiness. You made us believe that the only beauty is on the outside. How do you expect us to change, when you wont change? How do you expect us to live without technology when you supplied it to us? I believe there is a change coming, and it is this generation. We are going to give 100% of ourselves to everything and anything that is worth believing in. This world will be a better place because of us and the future generations to come.
Virtual Choir = Mesmerizing. Amazing. Astounding. I couldn't take my eye's off it. How did he do it? It's things like this that make me truly appreciate the art form of technology. To put something together, with people that have never met, and make it sound like a choir...that takes skills! Skills I can only hope to learn. This was just amazing. This video shows the creative side of technology. The ability to put things together and make something out of nothing. What an incredible job he has done. There is something about this that truly makes something click about technology. It's not just used for social and educational purposes. Videos like these allow someone to be creative as well social and educated. Very moving video.
ReplyDeleteIn "Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?" I like how you said if we need know something, answer or arguments, we can go to the computer to find it, because that is so true. You can ask just about anything on the internet and you will find something related to it.
In your iSchool post, you are right by saying that the whole day shouldn't be based on technology, because there needs to be some hands on interactions in classrooms.
I enjoyed your posts!
Hey Carly,
ReplyDeleteI think you made a good point about the ischool. Face to face interaction with the teacher is critical to students who are learning new things. I think that we must have a balance like you said in your post.
This is a good post Carly, but try to use more complete sentences. Sometimes it can be hard to read.
Keep on blogging!
Stephen Akins